Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Ala Moana Beach Park - Honolulu

"The sun will not rise or set without my notice and thanks."  - Winslow Homer

The above photographs were taken at sunrise at Ala Moana Beach Park in Honolulu .   It is a wonderful family park, although rather crowded later in the day.  My favorite time to visit there is at sunrise.

This clearly shows the marina across from the park looking towards Diamond Head, the famous extinct volcano which is located in Waikiki, about a 10 minute or less drive from Ala Moana Beach Park.   

These photos are rather peaceful, and here is wishing you a peaceful and productive day !

Monday, November 28, 2011

The Path

"All the paths of the Lord are mercy and steadfast love, even truth and faithfulness are they for those who keep His covenant and His testimonies"  Psalm 25:10

This one of many paths located at Foster Botanical Gardens in Honolulu.   Different paths lead to new delights, botanically speaking.   It is rather like life; the paths we choose determine our destiny, which may not always be delightful if we are not wise in our choices.  We could take a path by a Cannonball Tree shown below; it has pretty flowers on it and may appear appealing, but the rather large round "cannons" on it   can really hurt you if you are hit by one as they fall.   When they smash on the ground (or you) they give off a foul odor.    Kinda like bad choices we make.   But we are always given a new day to try our best again; never give up by always looking up for guidance !   Life is too wonderful to spoil in any way.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

A Sampling of More to Come

This shot was taken in a suburb of Salt Lake City a few years ago.   I recently completed an oil painting of these Iris shown on my fine art blog  http://reynoldsrenditions.blogspot.com    I really have taken a fancy to this flower and wish they were suited to the climate in Hawaii.   

The above two scenes were taken at Waikiki on the Island of Oahu.   I intend to use them as references for paintings in the future.   Just wanted to share them with you; however, this blog will mostly focus on landscapes without man-made structures, as well as nature photos of plants and animals.....any and everything that inspires me and that I believe you would enjoy as well.

The two ocean photos were taken at Makapuu beach on Oahu.  Those two small islands in the background of the one photo are protected bird sanctuaries.   The plumeria blossoms were also in that area.  Plumeria trees are found almost everywhere in the Hawaiian Islands and come in a variety of colors: white, pink, red, and a rainbow plumeria with multiple colors in the flower.  I will definitely post more of these flowers in the future.   Here is one more right now :

God was generous with beauty in His wonderful creation !  It is that beauty that inspires me to paint and to constantly try to do it justice with my photography.   

This is just a sampling of what this blog is all about.  I hope you enjoyed your visit !