Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Syria Is A Wake-up Call ; Middle East Events ; Bible Prophecy (With Video)

In my photograph above, most of these lesser flamingos have their heads buried, and some may be in oblivious sleep.   It reminds me of the general attitude of most people in these perilous times we are now living in:  life goes on as usual (so they believe) as all hell is breaking loose in the world and particularly in the Middle East.  Bible prophecy is being fulfilled right before their eyes and they are too asleep to realize it.   This is true even in the pulpit as well as the pews.   Pastors, for the most part, do not dare touch on Bible prophecy.   

Following is a 28 minute video from prophecywatchers,com featuring author and White House Correspondent Bill Koenig, who discusses the Middle East current events in detail.   Although posted on You Tube yesterday, it was filmed the beginning of this month, so it is not completely up-to-date, but there is enough pertinent information as to be enlightening to us.  

 Most of you who are followers of this blog, are already aware of the fact that things happening right now are extremely prophetically significant.  Mr. Koenig has been studying Bible prophecy for many years, and so has the host of the show, Gary Stearman, so they are quite knowledgeable concerning end time events.

Here is a link to an article titled "Three Reasons Syria Is Our Wake-Up Call"  from  The writer, Todd Hampson, gives 3 main Scriptures as the reasons concerning Syria as a wake-up call. They are Zechariah 12:2-3;  Isaiah 17:1,14; Ezekiel 38.

Mr. Hampson goes into detail about these prophecies, and explains how Israel's recently discovered gas and oil is a threat to Russia's oil sales.   He also brings to our attention that "Saudi Arabia has never been aligned with Israel and the USA as foretold in Ezekiel 38 -- until now!"  He also says, "I believe we are seeing the stage being set before our very eyes for these three major end-time prophecies."   Please read the entire article.  It is recent and was published April 21, 2018.

Don't be slow to comprehend.  We are living in the last days; the last "hour" of the end times.  Read Matthew 24, Mark 13, and Luke 21 for the signs of the times which Jesus warned us about.  Now is not the time to creep along with no purpose.  If you are a true believer, you need to be preparing spiritually for the Lord's soon return.   You also need to be witnessing to lost souls for them to come to the Lord in faith; to accept Jesus as their Savior, and to surrender their lives to Him.

Many people have a sense that tells them something has to give soon!  All the signs of the times tell us things cannot continue as they are now without a major event occurring, such as a World War (which some believe has already begun); or, glory! the return of Jesus to rapture believers to heaven to be with Him forever.   Many scholars believe that the disappearance of millions of believers in America will cripple our country so that we are no longer a superpower.   There are other factors, such as a nuclear attack, or an EMP attack, which could cripple our country. 

To sum it all up, get right with the Lord and obey Him and fulfill the Great Commission of making disciples (Matthew 28:19-20).   Your eternity depends on it, or should I say also that your future rewards in heaven depend on it, for thereby you are doing the Lord's will; you are saved by faith in Jesus Christ and not by works, but you show your faith by your works.  (James 2:20).

Jesus tells us at John 6:47,  "Verily, verily, I say unto you, he that believeth on Me hath everlasting life."

He says at John 6:40,   "And this is the will of Him that sent Me, that every one which seeth the Son and believeth on Him, may have everlasting life: and I will raise him up at the last day."

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