Back in the 90's Google started out not just being another search engine, but to develop and create Artificial Intelligence. They gather information on us and then put it into a data base to "feed" the AI so it will have the total human experience. Many of you are already aware of this fact. IBM is also working on artificial intelligence, only lately they are calling it Augmented Intelligence. This can become dangerous if the AI becomes self-aware and decides people need to be terminated. This and more is touched on in the following 28 minute video featuring Billy Crone, a pastor of a Las Vegas church who also creates many various videos on topics pertaining to these end times we are living in now.
Please take the time to watch this information packed video on subjects that will wake us up to the corruption and also the unbelievable things that are happening now that will change the way we live and the way we think; that is, if the Lord tarries. I believe that many of these developments, which are being created and implemented now, will happen during the seven-year tribulation period, which occurs after the Rapture of the Church to heaven to be with the Lord. I have touched on this in more than one other blog post, one of which is found here. That post of mine, as well as what Billy Crone discusses in the above video, touches on the Mark of the Beast (Antichrist) Revelation 13:16-17. The powers that be plan to microchip everything (trees, animals, humans) so they can keep track of everything and everybody. This will make it possible to track humans so that they can neither buy or sell without the Mark of the antichrist on their hand or on their forehead. If it is not an RFID chip, it could possibly be a tattoo. I have heard some scholars say that this chip may be able to alter your DNA to where you, in a sense, lose your soul..... which you will do anyway if you pledge your allegiance to the antichrist, to follow him instead of Almighty God.
Then there is transhumanism and human hybrids....genetically modifying human beings. In transhumanism, the thought is that you will be your own god and will be able to achieve eternal life without the One True God. So they think. It all goes back to Genesis 3 when the devil told Eve that if she ate of one certain tree forbidden by God, that she would not die and would be like a god herself. (Genesis 3:1-6).... or better yet, read the entire chapter.
You may search the Internet for more information on these topics. What I wish to stress now is that we should be in right standing with the Lord; fully trusting in God and in Jesus as our Savior. Not just head knowledge of Him, but true, deep-down, heartfelt belief and trust. So many people who call themselves Christians are fooled by their so-called head knowledge only and not by a true conversion to the Lord. That is why so many are carnally or worldly minded and do not have their focus on Jesus and pleasing Him and living totally surrendered to Him.
Turn to the Lord now in faith and surrender to Him before it is too late !